Our day starts with an overwhelming view of Jerusalem from the top of Mount of Olives. We then continue exploring the Kidron Valley following Jesus’ footsteps as he approached the city on “Palm Sunday”.
On our route visit the “Dominus Flevit” Church, where Jesus wept over Jerusalem, “The Garden of Gethsemane” and the “Church of Agony ” (also called the “Church of All Nations”).
Get acquainted with the world famous spiritual Jerusalem walking from the Tomb of the St. Mary in the Kidron ravine, entering the “Lion’s Gate” and taking the path of the The Via Dolorosa and the 12 Stations of the Cross- all the way to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and Golgotha, where Jesus was crucified, buried and resurrected.
The special scents and colors are best experienced in its colorful Middle Eastern market that leads to the Jewish Quarter while passing the Roman Cardo (the city’s main street during the Roman and Byzantine periods).
In this tour we address both Christian and Jewish sites: Mount Zion and “The Room of the Last Supper” as well as “King’s David Tomb”.
Our tour is not complete without a visit to the “Jewish Quarter” and the Western Wall, the holiest place for Jews.
This trip shall expose you to the historical sites and fascinating history and traditions of Judaism and Christianity.