Geoty Tours is knowledgeable and experienced tour operator that will plan and operate every aspect of your visit to Israel.

We provide professional guidance by excellent Licensed Tour Guides and take care of your accommodation in Israel throughout the route of your tour for attractive prices.

Geoty Tours shall arrange your transportation needs, as well as your dining needs with our list of recommend restaurants, which are “tailored” to your taste and your travel plans.

With Geoty Tours you will discover Israel’s secrets and explore its colorful and unique human tapestry. In Israel you get the rare opportunity to experience the tastes and aromas of seventy lands; learn about a variety of faiths and beliefs.

This is a land known for its interesting historical legacy and unique archeological sites left by both conquerors and the conquered. Israel has remarkable landscape and you are invited to discover the diverse nature of this beautiful country.

Many of our travelers confessed to us that the trip to Israel has changed them and made an impact on their lives. This is what we, in Geoty Tours want to achieve. Read the testimonials yourself!

Our team
Asher Dank

Founder & Tour Guide

Asher Dank, Geoty Tours founder, is an engineer, a successful entrepreneur and a licensed tour guide. Asher was born in Tel Aviv to Holocaust survivors, served in the Israeli army as a commander in a combat unit and is very familiar with the Israeli experience. Asher lived in Chicago for a few years, while completing…

Sandra Edri

Senior Tour Operator

Sandra Edri, senior tour operator at Geoty Tours, was born raised and educated in Sweden. She moved to Israel when she was a teenager and fell in love with the country. As all Israelis Sandra served for about 2 years in the Israeli army in an intelligence unit. After the army she earned a degree in…

Clarisa Haimsohn

Tour Guide

Clarisa Haimsohn was born in Jaffa, among the most ancient cities in the land of Israel. She is a Lawyer, an archeologist and a certified tour guide. Clarisa is very knowledgeable and brings her enthusiasm and life experience into her tours. A visit to an archeological site with Clarisa is an amazing experience. The events…

First class transportation

When there are less than 6 travelers, we provide fully air-conditioned highly comfortable 2014 Chrysler Grand Voyager Mini-Van.

For up to 18 travelers we provide an 18 seats Mercedes Min-Bus fully equipped with Wi-Fi, multi-media system, charging positions for cell-phones, fridge and more