Meet at the cruise boats dock at Haifa Port.
Travel to Nazareth “The Cradle of Christianity”, visit the Church of Annunciation, cross the Galilee East towards the Sea of Galilee passing by Cana where Jesus preformed his first miracle.
Proceed to an observation point above the Sea of Galilee, learn how the Jewish pioneers arrived here about 100 years ago and established the first Kibbutz.
At the point where the Jordan River exists the Sea of Galilee visit “Yardenit” where Christian groups baptize in the Jordan River.
Have a St. Peter Fish for lunch in a nearby restaurant-with this fish Jesus fed 5000 people on the shore of the Sea. Proceed to the “Mount of Beatitude” commemorating “The Sermon on the Mount”, visit Capernaum-The City of St. Peter and other apostles, visit St. Peter house and the synagogue where Jesus taught.
See the “Church of the Primacy of St. Peter” in Tabgha, touch the water of the Sea, end up at “The Church of Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes” before returning to your boat at Haifa.